About Me
I’m Jessica and I’m so glad you are here!
I’m a physical therapist and a Pilates teacher. I am a wife, a business owner and a mom of two. I am an endometriosis, infertility, prolapse and hysterectomy warrior and navigator. I am a business coach, movement educator and teacher trainer. I am a lover of people.

I believe there is power in movement and that movement is power. This includes actual physical movement as well as movement of the mind and changing of our beliefs about ourselves.
I believe that movement SHOULD NOT be painful, frustrating or embarassing.
I believe movement SHOULD BE freeing. I believe it should be fun! I believe it should be empowering, encouraging and inspiring.
I believe movement, healthcare and support SHOULD BE equitable, available and accessible to every human body, no matter size or ability or age or race or gender identification. You can read more about our commitment to this through our DEIB and Anti-Racism Statement.
I believe when we feel strong and secure in our own bodies we can start to be more kind to ourselves. When we are more kind to ourselves, we can then be more kind to others. There is a ripple of love that is born in the world when we can finally show ourselves and our bodies a little grace and patience. This is what excites me about what I do!
My “office” happens to be an exercise mat and my tools are Pilates equipment and props, but the work we are doing here is real and important.
I don’t dare to assume that my workout videos will change the world, but I truly hope they help to inspire at least one person to believe in themselves and their ability to move in the world around them while having a little fun in the process.I promise to use my skills and platform to make sure every person feels heard and seen and safe in their bodies and the space they take up in the world.
I believe in movement with heart and I believe in you.
What You Should Know About Me

I’ve been a physical therapist and Pilates teacher for 20 years and I love it more every day. When they say chose something you would do even if you never got paid, this is it for me. I’m a lucky girl to do what I am passionate about.
I have a nine year old daughter and four year old son with my amazing husband. This little family of mine is my biggest love and pride in the entire universe. I can’t quite separate my role as a mom from everything else I do because it has become a filter through which I see everything else. I want to help make the world a better place because of them. (I also want more sleep because of them, but that’s what coffee is for).
I have stage 4 endometriosis with a frozen pelvis. I was first diagnosed in 2005 and have had three abdominal surgeries since then (you can read more here and here), including a hysterectomy and prolapse repair in 2019. We had our daughter naturally and then went through two rounds of IVF before getting pregnant with our son. I also had a bladder and uterine prolapse after a gnarly labor with our daughter and lots of inaccurate post baby exercise advice.
I am also acutely aware that – despite all of this – I am lucky when it comes to my access to healthcare and information.Because of all of these issues, I’m extremely passionate about women’s health and helping women feel empowered in their own bodies. I am passionate about making education available to everyone. I also am indescribably grateful for the chance to have children after going through infertility battles for years. If you are there now, I see you, I feel you and I am holding so much space for you in my heart.
My husband and I lived in Hawaii for eight years and it’s my happiest of happy places. We now are back in our hometown of Denver, which I’m lucky to also love, but Hawaii has my heart. The snow does not.
We are the founders of Momentum Fest, a three day Pilates and movement festival. It’s all of my dreams come true and you should come someday.
I love coffee. And champagne. But coffee wins.
Where to Start

In addition to my online UNLIMITED community, I offer specialty programs for injuries and surgeries, as well as a full library of free mini workouts on YouTube.

Women’s Health
My personal experiences with endometriosis, hysterectomy, prolapse and infertility have made me passionate about helping women with these issues.

You can watch, download and screencast hundreds of workouts, monthly challenges and fitness plans – all from your phone or device!

Listen to the Meet Your Body Podcast where Jessica brings her signature combination of hope, science-based research and a little fun to the world of movement and women’s health.
Giving is a prime guiding principal at Jessica Valant Pilates. Here are a few of the organizations we support through monetary gifting and amplifying.
Thank you for being here and sharing this space with me.
It’s time we all believe in ourselves a little more. It’s time we move with more love, more patience, more inner strength, more laughter, more joy and more heart!
Professional Bio

Jessica graduated from Regis University in Denver with her Master’s Degree in Physical
Therapy in 2000. She received her Pilates training in 2001 through Polestar Pilates and is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher and regular contributor to the Pilates and physical therapy industries.
She has worked with thousands of clients of different backgrounds, ages, injuries and abilities. Her goal is for people to ultimately feel safe in their bodies and to believe in the power and joy that movement can bring.
Jessica is recognized as a leader in the Pilates and online health industry. She has a successful YouTube channel, membership site and social media platform. She has been named a Creator on the Rise by YouTube and has been featured in The New York Times, Pilates Style Magazine (including as a cover model in 2020), Shape, Buzzfeed, Yoga Journal and Thrillest. She teaches popular workshops and courses to other health care professionals and Pilates instructors and is considered an expert in the women’s health arena.
Jessica and her husband, Brian, founded Momentum Fest, a three day Pilates and movement festival, in 2017 in order to create an inclusive, loving and fun place for all people to celebrate movement together.
She is married to her best friend and their days are spent in Denver wrangling two young kids, being in the sun, living their passion through work and drinking coffee.
I have to say that your videos for scoliosis are absolutely amazing. Awesome! I found them on you tube and since I have been doing the exercises everyday I feel just so much better, stronger, in control. I had felt that I had lost control of my life because of continuing back problems but the very first time I did one of the exercise routines I felt better. I have continued to do the exercises almost every day along with a healthy lifestyle and feel, I’ll say it again, amazing! Thank you Jessica so much!
Margaret – Thank you so much for the kind words and I’m glad you are enjoying the videos! That’s so great that you are feeling better already. Congratulations on doing the work and starting to feel better! Jessica
your roll over video was excellen.
Thank you so much!
Dear Jessica,
Your beginner videos have been so helpful to me! I have worked through them all and for the first time was able to do lateral breathing correctly!
This was a major achievement for me as I have been struggling with this for quite some time. I also really enjoyed your scoliosis video, I have been struggling with chronic neck and back pain and this video is great to relieve the pain. I also have lordotic posture, which is something I picked up through doing Pilates.
I love your videos and I love how much you love Pilates.
I also really enjoy your March Madness video based on Joe Pilates’ original exercises.
Thank you so much for sharing your videos with us! They have truly made a big difference in my life.
I’m so glad the videos are helping you! I’m sorry about your pain and am so glad to hear it is getting a little better :). Thanks for being here!
Hi Jessica – I have come back to Pilates after a 5 year break and I can’t believe that I ever stopped. I remember my whole body shape changing after doing sessions for 6 months and I look forward to getting back to that again. Your beginner videos have been so helpful in reminding me of the basics, breathing and positioning and I have already started to feel tightened up!! Am so excited …….. thank you for helping me to get back into good form.
Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad you are here! Congrats on getting back into Pilates 🙂
My Best,
Hi Jessica! I’d like to THANK YOU for your contribution to my GET BETTER journey! Because you did have a big one!
This journey started last year when I discovered I was suffering from scoliosis, herniated disc and on the top of that – a metabolic disorder. That combination is very tricky considering I started with significant amount of excess weight + excruciating back pains.
I’m not going to lie – I had no clue how to deal with my problems, especially having in mind the permanent state of all of them. I knew nothing about healthy ways of loosing weight, or about ANY kind of exercise. But the doctors made it very clear – I couldn’t take chances – neither with the food, nor with the exercises – they HAD to be the right ones for my condition.
And in that moment it struck me – rather than focusing on what I’m NOT good at, I focused at what I AM. Which is reading and studying and that’s where I started. So I read tons of information, watched hundreds of videos, got a mat & tried lots of “suitable” exercises for my condition.
Needless to say, it was not all useful, nor suitable for me, but it led me to you, your advices and your videos. I had discovered that all those exercises were the key for the pain to go away and that you were right – you have to listen to your body.
I managed to loose weight and to become stronger and you are one of the people I should be saying THANK YOU!
I hope my story helps someone who is in a similar position to realize that even such problems can be managed if you are consistent.
Again, thank you! 🙂
Nadia – This is so wonderful and I appreciate you sharing this with us! Congratulations on your journey and for letting us be a part of it :).
Wish I could find that free ‘favourite pilates’ video you keep talking about in your videos! I’ve become obsessed with your amazing videos and after only a few days of pilates I can already feel the impact!
I’m glad you like the videos and I’m happy to help! Where do you keep hearing about the favorites video? If it’s in the 3 Part Video Series, then the link to the workout video was included in the emails you got after signing up for the 3 part video series. Does that make sense? 🙂 If it’s not there, just tell me where you keep hearing about it and I’ll find the link for you!
I have been trying to find a PT that teaches Pilates for so long! Just finished your beginner Pilates videos on YouTube and going to start the 2 week free workout guide on Monday. I am a full time caregiver for my 85 year old Mother and need to have access to great workouts at home right now. Also, struggling with chronic hip and low back issues. Finding you is definitely an answer to prayer.
Tomi – Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad you found me here and I hope the workouts continue to benefit you! My best to you and your mom…Jessica
Hi Jessica,
I discovered you, your website and your story last year and somehow you brought hope and courage into my life. I am from Romania, English is not my native language, so please excuse my inherent English mistakes.
Last week I underwent surgery for endometriosis for the fourth time (!). However I am in a pretty good shape and I would like to start exercising again. Do you think I could start pilates/yoga in 2 weeks after the surgery?
Iona – Thank you for sharing your story and I’m sorry about your surgeries! It’s nice to hear you are feeling better. I really would ask your doctor first. My doctor said “Do what feels good” :). So I personally just started slow with some stretching, and slowly added walking and strengthening. As long as your doctor approves exercise at 2 weeks you should be good if you listen to your body and stop with pain. Take care!
Hello from Amman, Jordan. You are a true inspiration and thank you for making Pilates accessible for every one. Just wanted to let you know that people here in Jordan are lovin’ your youtube classes. 🙂 You should come and visit, we have great food here.
I’m so glad you are enjoying the videos! Maybe someday I’ll make a trip !
You video “Knee Pain Exercises – Pilates for Knees” has helped me a lot. I’m your fan now. Regards from Chile.
That’s wonderful news! I’m so glad it’s helped :).
Hi Jessica, I have enjoyed your scoliosis videos as well. Do you have any scoliosis exercise with weights? I would love to be able to alternate between exercising with weights and Pilates for scoliosis. Thanks,Sue
My back went out in May of this year, and I learned that I developed a case of scoliosis after many years of sitting at a desk. It was quite painful. I went to a wonderful chiropractor who helped me tremendously. Then we moved out of state. I haven’t found another chiropractor yet. But my back started hurting again. Though I now have a standing desk. I realized I need to start my exercises the dr recommended. I couldn’t find his paperwork with instructions but remembered dabbling in Pilates years ago. So I jumped on YouTube and found your video for Pilates for scoliosis. I loved it. I’ve been doing the video almost every day. I even watched your other videos but haven’t had the time to really do them. Your explanations are great. You have a great gift in this. I look forward to watching and doing more videos. Even joining the boot camp. Keep up the good. :). (p.s. And in the last 2 weeks, I can already feel the difference.)
I can’t thank you enough for putting up those wonderful videos of workout. I had myomectomy last year but I am still having a fibroid growing. I am following your programs. The only thing I need to ask is it very important to be strictly off from desserts,bakery,coffee. I find it so hard to deal with it. Can you please help.
I would like to join but would like more information about the cancellation policy-I know I can cancel at any time but no information on how to cancel. I could not find any other way to contact you. Thank you.
Hi Martha! You can simply cancel within your account by logging in online. You do not need to call or write in and you can cancel at any time. We hope to see you in UNLIMITED! You can also email [email protected].
I was diagnosed with scoliosis several weeks ago and didn’t find much relief with a physical therapist. My wife and I are very active, enjoying cycling and kayaking. I also work out daily. My diagnosis was disheartening to me. I found your videos after searching online and both my wife and I are doing your exercises together. It is helping to relieve my numbness. I also noticed I have enjoyed better sleep. I want to thank you for helping me. You may not think you are changing the world but you changed mine.
During this time of lockdown when I cannot go to gym I have been doing videos on youtube to keep me fit. I find yours to be the best. I arrange with two friends to do them at the same time. I do feel so much better and it helps my whole being. So thank you so very much. Blessings Evelyn
Hi Jessica..
I feel like you are my friend (though you didn’t know me) because in these past three weeks.. I meet you in your youtube channel, e-ve-ry-day. The way you talk and talk while moving, amazed me. I didn’t know back then that you are aprofessional and famous person.
I have problem with my shoulder, back, and knee.. so in this covid things at home, I tried to find something to follow in youtube.. something safe for my age.. not to hard to discourage me and make me stop trying.. then I’m glad I found your videos.. many videos…
As you said, I can follow your beginner’s practice.. seems easy but still makes me sweaty because I never had sports for years.
I feel a little bit better and stronger. Today I tried the newest video you posted. But in 10 minutes, I was getting frustated because of the speed and the difficult movement. My shoulder hurt now… But it didn’t make me stop. I went back to the beginner video… again… haha
Ok that’s all I want to tell you because I couldn’t thank you in person and can’t find your email. Perhaps.. knowing that you have influenced and be a blessing for someone from a small city in Indonesia, make your day…
Keep going!
You are truly an amazing woman. Thanks for sharing your story. I have multiple autoimmune diseases and severe arthritis. I have found your beginners pilates workout truly inspirational. For the first time in my life I have been able to keep to an exercise routine every day and have benefited so much physically and emotionally. Thank you x
I am so glad I found your videos for prolapsed bladder exercises. I have gone to a PT for my prolapse and now am considering surgery to repair it sometime soon. I Wondered if you have had the surgery – hysterectomy with bladder tied up. I am going to try these exercises and see if they help. Thanks!
I found you through your prolapse video. I have a rectocele that I am getting repaired sometime in the next 6 months. No one talks about prolapse! Or the fact that you cannot just do what you always did. No one told me I had a prolapse either – despite the fact that I see a gynecologist every year. It was not until it was super obvious and I asked what the heck was going on did someone tell me it was there. If I had received proper care, I may have prevented it from getting so much worse. It shocks me how crappy women’s care still is. I plan on joining your unlimited program soon! So glad I found you.
My loving, amazing husband found your video for endometriosis after watching me struggle with chronic pelvic pain since my endo excision surgery last year. After two years of infertility (including failed IVF) I continue to have severe pelvic pain. I have started doing your endometriosis video every morning before work to see if this will help. It feels good to move in a way that I feel confident is good for my body and pain. Thank you for your openness regarding your journey/life and your Little babies give me hope that one day I will be able to have children despite this horrible disease! Thank you!
Hi Jessica! I discovered your channel a few months ago, at the beginning of lockdown here in the UK. I am 25 and have a type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, as well as a few other issues, and was told to “shield”, so needed to find something to keep those muscles working while I wasn’t allowed to even go for a walk. I’m SO glad I found you. I’ve been doing the beginners’ and intermediate several times a week, with a few of the other targeted exercises as needed, and I feel amazing. I have visible muscle tone, my joints don’t dislocate anywhere near as much, I’ve “gained” an inch or two in height…all in just 4 months. I tried the shoulder video today, as I have severe issues with my shoulder (have been to 7 physiotherapists in 4 years, had surgery that’s healed wrong because of the eds, now facing a difficult decision about what to do next), and, to my amazement, it didn’t hurt at all! Thank you so much. Your videos have helped me so much, and I now send your channel to my friends who are also experiencing issues with their joints! I cannot express my gratitude enough! Love and peace from the UK XX
Jessica I am having knee and shoulder pain and your videos are helpful! Thank you so much!
So happy to find you! I just started doing your back pain Relief exercise. I Kidd you not! Within two weeks and feeling better and stronger! Unable to walk and move so much better! Thank you Jessica
hi, jessica…my doctor suspects Meniscus issues and i have begus in earnest to rehab and avoid surgery…thx for the three easy exercises…should i be doing the hip exercises as well which you eluded to?
Hi Maya. I just found Jessica. I am an almost 63 year old physically active woman. I felt a lot of compassion for you and your story, and was wondering if you ever got a response or any ideas from Jessica regarding how to addres you challenges..
Take good care!
Thanks for being here! As I told Maya, I would need to do a one on one virtual assessment to give individual advice and medical thoughts :)! My Best!
It depends on many factors!
Hi Jessica! I am a very active 72-yr old woman with dextro- and levoscoliosis. As a result I’ve suffered from rt. hip/SI joint/sciatica/piriformis syndrome all my life because of my rib cage and pelvis being tilted. I’ve been to many chiropractors and since last year started having dry needling and seeing physical therapists. I have had constant pain radiating from my hip down to my foo and been told it’s my hamstrings by a sports medicine doctor so I did hamstring stretches but that made it worse. I swim every day and that is now making the pain worse too. I was doing yoga for sciatica, back pain, etc. but that made it worse sometimes too. Today, I found your Scoliosis You Tube and SI Joint You Tube. The chiropractors always tell me it’s my SI joint even though my piriformis and hamstrings really hurt. So I did you 2 You Tubes just now. I am praying that this is what I need to alleviate the pain in my hamstrings to my foot. I am going to stop doing yoga and only do Pilates for a while because the PT doctor said I need to strengthen my core. Is there a video that you recommended for someone like myself with scoliosis, hamstring, piriformis and SI joint problems? I don’t know if the dry needling helps or not. I have a spiky ball which I use and foam roller every day too.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your story! I would need to do a virtual one on one physical therapy assessment to know the best individual advice and instruction to give :). Thank you!
Hi Jessica.
My daughter 42 has spinal rods in her back due to scoliosis surgery 25 years ago. Would you recommend she uses your Pilates you tube video or some other exercises.
We live in England and my wife and I have just started using your you tube Pilates for seniors .
We love them. Thank you so much for any reply
David Woods
I would need to do a virtual physical therapy consult to give individual advice!
My first time to this website after finding your fantastic YouTube channel and doing the hip pain and hip stretching short sessions. I know your main focus is around pregnancy, prolapse etc but in time it would be great if you could expand to include peri/post menopause as well. Or highlight which of the existing post hysterectomy videos are good for this time in life as well.
I have a ten week post hysterectomy workout program and also some videos for women over 50 and perimenopause!
Hello, I am really enjoying your Pilates videos and tried your new weightlifting video. I am approaching 70 and realize how important weightlifting is at this stage of my life. I am also searching for Yoga videos and the ones I have tried don’t have your personality or humor!! Do you have Yoga videos? If not, is there anyone online that you would recommend?
I have a few in UNLIMITED!
Hi Jessica
I stumbled across your video’s on YouTube recently and just wanted to say thank you.
Take care.
Thank you so much for your work!!!
Thanks for being here!
Hello Jessica
i am from Cyprus ( near Greece ) and found you on YOU TUBE
Thank you so much for your videos
i too had a complete hysterectomy about 1 year ago = 48 years young !
You are friendly , warm and welcoming and above all professional .
All the best to you and your family
hi jessica i am new to your site. i have mild scoliosis. started slowly with your exercises today. back is a little sore. i am only doing a couple of reps per exercise. and will increase them each day. i also have osteoporosis -2.5. so learning spine exercises too. are your exorcises for beginners or does it matter? i love how you explain each exercise. thank you for doing this i really need this! do you have any other videos on scoliosis?
Hello to Jessica and the rest of the community, from Norfolk, England!
I’m not a big user of social media, but I really wanted to say thank-you to Jessica for her wonderful Pilates videos, which are making such a difference to me.
I’m a 48-year-old mum of teenagers, and a year ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The treatment – still ongoing – has been gruelling, but thankfully the prognosis is really good. Between nausea, fatigue and other symptoms though, my fitness levels have taken a big hit, and I was in a bit of a vicious cycle.
I found Jessica’s videos on YouTube when I was looking for ways to incorporate gentle exercise back into each day. (My oncologist had told me that long-term fatigue can actually be combated by doing this.)
Jessica’s compassionate approach, and her understanding of how everyone’s body is different has been fantastic. As a beginner, she’s given me confidence that there’s nothing wrong with the point I’m at, and that I can continue to build up at a pace that works for me. Body confidence takes a horrendous knock during a cancer journey, by Jessica has helped me to feel I can regain an element of control in this, and most of all to remember the amazing job my wonderful body is doing to fight off an awful disease.
Jessica: I am incredibly thankful to you! Best wishes, and I look forward to many more of your videos.
Clare xxx
Dear Jessica – I just wanted to thank you for your video explaining your hysterectomy story and exercise videos. I’m American but live in Prague, Czech Republic. Having surgery is pretty scary in your home country but throw in having it done in a foreign country, where many people do not speak English – adds to the stress quite a bit.
The Czech Republic is a small country (about 10 million people) and the variety of options for medical treatment are far more limited than in the US or even compared to other European countries (eg. France, Germany) Upon discharge from the hospital, I was given a document – all in Czech (which I only understand at a very basic level). Given this, I didn’t have instructions for really anything once I returned home. My Czech surgeon, while competent, took almost a paternalist attitude when I asked specific questions. (The doctor/patient relationship is very different here as compared to the US) When I asked what to worry about post-op I was told “you will know it if it happens.” I also was not given guidance about exercises going forward etc. First two weeks post-op were quite tough but a few days ago, I found your videos and I have found them both informative and helpful.
Thank you for helping an English speaking expat far from home deal with a difficult situation.
Warm regards, Marylin