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Aloha from Hawaii!

My posts have been a little sporadic the past two weeks, and this is the reason…

and this…


and this…


and this…

and this…


As most of you know, we lived in Kailua, Hawaii, for eight years and moved to San Diego in April of 2014.  This has been our first trip back since moving, and it’s been a whirlwind of beach, friends, dinners, ocean time, presentations, interviews, staff meetings and classes.  My husband and I own Harmony Pilates & Physical Therapy, and we have two locations on Oahu.  Thanks to amazing clients and staff, we have been able to keep them open and running, even after moving to the mainland.  While we have been itching to get back to see our friends and the warm water, it really was a work trip, with some beach time for me and kite surfing for my husband thrown in.  (no that’s not me kite surfing and no, it probably never will be.)

Our first day here, we landed at the airport, drove over to Kailua, and immediately went to our booth at Cool Kailua Nights.  It’s an amazing health fair here in Kailua, and all proceeds go to the Windward Boys and Girls Club of Kailua.  We have been a part of this for four years, and I didn’t want to miss it this year!

Since then we have had amazing times with wonderful friends (for anyone we didn’t get to see, we will hook up next time!).  Thank you to each of you who had us in your homes for dinner and child chaos :).  Those times, combined with the random friend run-in at the beach and Kalapawai, and the huge hugs from clients I’ve taught for years, are the things I miss most since moving.  People on the mainland don’t usually hug like people in Hawaii!  I’m bringing back the hug, mainland friends, so watch out :)!

I was also proud to be a part of the bi-annual meeting of the Hawaii Chapter of the Case Management Society of America.  I gave a talk about the importance of posture and core strength as we age, and everyone was very attentive and asked great questions about what we do at Harmony.  Where else do they give you a lei for being a presenter??

Most importantly, I was able to connect again with all the amazing staff and clients at Harmony.  Those of you who have your own business know that it can become a part of you in so many ways.  I started Harmony in 2007, and it was basically my first “baby”.  It has grown and evolved and, while I still have my hands in the business every day and do quite a bit from home, nothing replaces face to face contact and energy (oh, and those Hawaii hugs again!).  I am so proud of the people who represent Harmony, and I’m so thankful for everyone who is a part of it!

We head back in a few days, and as always it feels like the time was just too short. I’m excited to sleep in our own bed and go the pumpkin patch with friends and our baby for the first time and experience our first San Diego fall, but I’ll also miss the Hawaiian breezes, teaching Pilates and Aloha Salads dinners.  I guess we will just have to visit again soon 🙂

A hui hou!



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