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IVF and Endometriosis – My IVF Journey & Success Story

IVF & Endometriosis

I have shared many posts and videos about my IVF and endometriosis experiences, and in this video I finally sit down and talk through my entire IVF journey.

I was first diagnosed with endometriosis is 2005 through a laparoscopic surgery. I found ways to manage the pain and symptoms through diet and exercise and was miraculously able to conceive our daughter naturally in 2012.

Because of this I didn’t think twice about our ability get pregnant again.

After two and a half years of trying to conceive our second baby, I had an additional laparoscopy. During that surgery the doctors found extensive endometriosis and scar tissue and diagnosed me with a frozen pelvis.

If we wanted to have another baby we needed to consider IVF.

IVF is an emotional and confusing journey to be on. It involves frustration, mourning, confusion, pain and more ups and downs than I can possibly describe.

I felt alone for much of my IVF journey. I didn’t know many people who had been through it and I was scared to make myself emotionally vulnerable by putting my story out there.

I want to change that for other people going through it, which is why I chose to share my IVF and endometriosis story here.

Please know you are not alone. There is hope, even in the lowest of times! I hope my story shines some light on the IVF experience for you.

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The Good and Bad of Online Medical Advice and Information

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2 thoughts on “IVF and Endometriosis – My IVF Journey & Success Story”

  1. Thank you for sharing! I don’t think many people understand the devastation of infertility and failed fertility treatments. Your doctor sounds amazing and like she was really willing to work with you and your body’s unique needs. Gives me hope, because I have no kids, never been pregnant, and so far IVF has not worked for me.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing Jessica, I am a student with pregnancy Pilates Impact and have just skipped forward to the IVF section as I’m starting down regulation next week and have Egg transfer on August 17th 2020 I too have endo and a very similar story to yours as I am a P.T and Pilates instructor, I have a 22 year old daughter and have been trying for a second baby for just over 3 years now. I had my 3rd laparoscopic ablation for endo on my sacro uterial ligament almost a year ago and was told We should now be able to conceive but unfortunately still no luck so IVF is our last option. Knowing that you aren’t the only one to feel the way I do right now is a breath of fresh air and I really hope no matter what the outcome for me I can move on with the experience to help others in the same way your helping me today thank you


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