Some of my very favorite products in my life have been found through the recommendations of others! I want to pass that on to you and share some of my favorite finds. This will always include things I’ve tried myself and use regularly.
This week’s favorites include activities and crafts both of our kids have been loving!
Perler Beads

I had no idea what perler beads were a year ago and now we are knee deep in ALL THE THINGS with perler beads! When you buy a kit you get a few shapes and thousands of small beads. Kids use either their fingers or tweezers provided to fill in the shape with the beads in any design. Then you as the parent use the provided wax paper and an iron to melt the beads together. I can’t tell you the hours upon hours both of our kids have spent on these! They sit quietly at the counter while I cook or work and they LOVE making different patterns. I’ve never used my iron so much :). You can find the beads and kit here. Our kids are 3 and 8 and both love these!
Diamond Painting Kit

This is definitely misleading if you don’t know what it is. Diamond painting has nothing to do with actual painting! Instead you get a kit with a sticky pattern and small different colored jewels. The kids follow the patterns to place the specific diamonds onto the sticky material and create artwork! These kits come with a frame and they are awesome for older kids (our daughter started these when she was 6 or 7). Our favorite patterns are here.
UNO Flip!

UNO Flip! is our new favorite family game! It adds a new fun twist to traditional UNO that the kids love and both of our kids can play either with us or on their own. It helps the younger with number and color recognition and doesn’t take any space to store. It’s also great to travel with!
Sprinkler and Splash Pad

This splash pad was a fun find last summer when we were stuck at home and it continues to be a favorite! You just hook it up to a hose and the kids can have fun running and splashing through it. Our younger likes to play with his cars or water toys in the middle as well. Definitely worth the $20 for the summer!
Kids Digital Camera

Our kids LOVE these digital cameras! They each have one and they spend hours throughout the week taking pictures. This camera is under $25, has a charging cord and a cable for downloading the pictures onto your computer. To be honest we have never downloaded the pictures! They just love wandering around the house and yard taking their own pictures and videos. There are also various filters they can use that make it extra fun. It’s a great gift idea!
Those are some of the things I’m loving so much right now! Thanks for being here and I hope you find something you love this week!
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