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Unlimited Workouts



2 thoughts on “Unlimited Workouts”

  1. I just wanted to say thank you. I did Pilates for years, worked out in the gym, even ran a half marathon all before I got sick. Unfortunately, I caught a very bad virus June of 2014 that caused me to not be able to walk unassisted, speak without slurring, I was exhausted all the time and my brain just didn’t seem to work that well anymore. Long story short, although I am not where I need to be I’m definitely better than where I was. I recently googled Pilates for beginners and your video came up. I’ve been doing it for a couple of weeks now (my first workout since I became ill) and I feel as though it is helping me get my strength back up and to become a better me. So, thank you again. P.S. Your voice is very calming and I appreciate that, as well.
    Thank you!!


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