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pilates for legs

outer thigh workout


My Favorite 10 Minute Outer Thigh Workout

This 10 Minute Outer Thigh Workout serves not only to tone a trouble area for many of us, it also strengthens the hip abductors. While that …

hip stretches


Hip Stretches – A Home Workout For Tight Hips

I remember doing hip stretches in grade school as a part of the Presidential Fitness Test. I always felt embarrassed when I couldn’t reach much past my …

how to tone your butt


How To Tone Your Butt and Strengthen Your Glutes

    I’m short. It’s true, and I’m completely ok with that. I was told I would never top a whopping five feet, so the fact …

Fitness, Workouts

Lift Your Buns! Workouts for the Lower Body

I tend to be a “booty-centric” fitness student and instructor.  My classes and own personal workouts have no shortage of lower body exercises!  My buns are …

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