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Thank You – One Final Step Needed!


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20 thoughts on “Thank You – One Final Step Needed!”

  1. Thank you Jessica for your video on exercises for scoliosis. I am a personal trainer working with a scoliosis client and I have been researching exercises and stretches. I have been trained with the egosque method on becoming pain free through e-cises and menus. What I am finding out about scoliosis is that her symptoms can change frequently..meaning waking up with neck issues, then changes to hip and back and knee. This has sent me on a quest for learning on what is actually going to work. I have a aero pilate and it was really good for awhile..then something else kicks in..especially if stress is combined in her life. I would love to purchase from you a pilate workout for her scoliosis..but, I imagine its going to be specific for her issues..she is rotated in thoracic and very tight on rt. hip flexors, and has pinch on the right on her lower back and hip.actually all her issues are pretty much on the right..from neck on down …her right shoulder blade protrudes outward. I gave her a thai stretch on friday which has helped before in the past..but, she left out with some neck pain on the right..just baffles me. I told her I would continue to search and your video on scoliosis..makes good sense..thanks

    • Chris – You can visit our homepage and click on “products” to find the scoliosis video! Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.Take care,

  2. Good Morning! I have been a certified pilates instructor for over a decade and I love Pilates Happy Hr. I love how you incorporate your knowledge and experience as a physical therapist in your pilates practice. I have a client that is interested in purchasing a reformer for her home. I would appreciate your recommendation for a reputable company. Thank you so much!!!!!!

    • Hi Colleen,
      I use Balanced Body equipment and have for 15 years. I have always been very happy with the quality of product and the customer service! They have some good options for home units as well. Thanks for being a part of our community!

  3. I have scoliosis and i just saw your videos on YouTube to how exercice at home and it was amazing i felt so much relief about it thank you so much for it it makes me feel like i Will get better <3

    • It can be common to experience some muscle soreness when starting a new program. Make sure you talk with your doctor before starting anything new :). After that, try just doing 5-10 minutes of the workout. Wait two days to make sure you feel ok then do the same 5-10 minutes again. Do that every other day for a week. If it feels ok, then add 5 more minutes and do the same. Work into it slowly 🙂

  4. I have taken Pilates and was getting ready to start back into it after having problems with sciatica and lower back pain in my left leg. I went to physical therapy for these problems, and was given the OK to start back with Pilates when I stepped off a step and injured my right knee. I have been trying to do some of the knee exercises that you mentioned, and some of these exercises were part of the plan, when I was in therapy for the left leg. I like your mix of pilates and physical therapy and feel that your videos might be a good plan for me to rehabilitate and to get back to Pilates.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your sciatica, back and leg pain! I think the combination of physical therapy and Pilates will really help and should target each of your problem areas right now. Glad you are here!


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