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The Ultimate Guide to Reaching Your Health Goals – Video #1

Hi there!

I’m thrilled that you are here to join me for this 3 part video series about reaching your health goals while having fun doing it!

While I can’t be with you right now having a conversation, this is the next best thing! I truly would love to get to know you and hear about your victories and struggles while searching for a healthy and meaningful life.

Settle in, grab a mug of hot tea and congratulate yourself for taking this special time for you.

As promised in the video above, here is a link to your bonus workout! This is an awesome Pilates-based exercise routine that you can do at home, and you only need your mat!

Also, here is the link to the vitamins and protein powder I purchase. The brand is Usana and I always buy them from Vitamin Pit Stop because they ship to me directly and they offer the lowest prices online. If you want to know more about my vitamin routine, watch this short video!

Thank you again for joining me, and I can’t wait to see you again for video #2 where we will be talking all about food! You’ll get another super special bonus for that video as well, so be on the lookout for it in your inbox.

See you there!


ps – I really want to hear from you! Leave a comment below letting me know something you struggle with when it comes to being healthy. I would love to hear your longterm goals and any recent “turning points” you’ve had that have opened your eyes to the importance of health in a happy life.

18 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide to Reaching Your Health Goals – Video #1”

  1. Thanks for another great workout Jessica, loved it! I’m even starting to enjoy side planks ..?!

    My struggle at the moment is my piriformis issue which is causing recurrent back pain … Maybe that’s not the kind of thing you meant but that’s my challenge right now! It has got a LOT better since I’ve started Pilates, but lately it’s come back pretty badly. And I find myself consoling myself with sweet treats sometimes, which isn’t good. But I have faith that it will get better. Your Pilates videos have really helped me, so thanks again!

    • Ugh I know those performis issues can be a frustration sometimes! I do believe the variety of Pilates videos will help, as well as consistent gentle stretching and massage of that piriformis. Have you tried icing it as well? Ice can help muscle spasms, so try icing 10 minutes at a time a couple times a day. Always have a light layer between ice and your skin :). I hope that helps!

      • havinng a problem with aching and stifness in left shoulder and neck which extends to lower back i do visit an osteopath from time to time but would like a daily routine to help these problems

      • John,
        Thank you for reaching out and I’m sorry about your shoulder, neck and low back! There are some great injury specific workouts on our membership site, and a few here on the blog as well! Keep in touch and let me know how you are feeling. Jessica

  2. Jessica, I just found your workout this morning. I am always looking for different beginners yoga/pilates/fusion. Don’t know that I’ll ever pass the beginners level! I’m not sure if you’re up to questions like this, but I’m doing this gentler form of exercise because I have something going on with my elbow down to my wrist. I’m hoping to work this out because I have another ten years I have to work as a court reporter and this is really starting to affect it. Will these stretches work on impingements or inflammation or whatever might be causing this pain (that now doesn’t allow me to lift even grandchildren. Looking forward to going through all your videos and am glad I stumbled upon your site!
    Thanks Tami

    • Tami,
      Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry about your wrist! Many times when I see patients for wrist pain I start by strengthening the shoulder area to help take pressure off the wrist :). You can check out our membership site where we have more injury specific workouts, or you can simply modify by avoiding pain and give it some time to see if that helps!

  3. Thank you for sharing your workout. I suffer from bulging disks and lower back pain which I have been going to the chiropractor for. My main goals are to lose weight and increase my energy.

    • Marissa – I hope your back feels better very soon! I know it’s hard to lose weight and increase your energy when you are dealing with pain. I have a few workouts specifically for low back pain on this site, as well as additional resources for workouts on our membership site! I hope they help xo

  4. Fiber! I struggle with getting enough through daily food sources and understand that for “a woman in my age bracket,” it’s more important than ever.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, I did Pilates years ago for pain caused by my epidural and it worked wonders but then life got in the way and here I am almost 10years and another 2 kids later trying to reclaim my body! I suffer from ibs and tennis elbow so need to make some major changes. Realizing that there is no quick fix and desperately trying to not rely on analgesics and other meds I felt it was time to change the way i live to change how i feel and look.

    • Natasha – congrats on being here to make a change for yourself! Yes life tends to get in the way sometimes 🙂 but it’s never too late. I’m so glad you are here!

  6. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for your thorough explanation of the exercises. I just found your youtube videos because I was looking for a beginner pilates video as my homeopath told me to do light exercise. I have struggled with back problems since I can remember especially lower back pain, been to physiotherapy and got bit better but not completely. When I was young I hurt my coxax and it is scew and sticks out. I love your workouts but really struggle to find my belly pulled in as I feel like I hold my breath a lot and can’t find my core at the same time. So doing the very basic coming up with head off floor hearts my neck so it looks like my core is not working not sure how to fix this. I am so new to pilates never done it before but I think it could help with strengthening. Any advise will be appreciated. Before I forget, I have not been doing exercises in a long time. Since November 2015 been sick on and off, and then in Janaury 2016 I had lung infection and phneamonia at the same time. All and all have been trying to get my life back to normal, so the breathing is a big deal for me at the moment as I do struggel with asthma as well. Wow I sound like a cronic. Sorry for the long message but thought it is best to know what has happened and maybe I can work through things with you. I’very done your part 1 and 2 videos and feel really good about myself. Thank you again for making things easier to understand. You are truly amazing and I would love for my body to be able to improve and respond like yours.

    • Thank you so much for sharing your story! I’m sorry about your pain and I’m so glad you are working towards getting stronger. I know it’s hard, but you are doing great! I do have a crunch tutorial video that may help, as well as some lower abdominal workouts. In the meantime, doing the beginner workouts will continue to help! Thanks for being here!

  7. I am 37 yr. old, I have one daughter 10 yr old. Since two years i had pain in lower abdomen and it diagnosed endometriosis. Last week I got operated and now i want one more baby. What does you recommend that I should do, or what exercises i should do.


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