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“We Love” Friday

Pilates Happy Hour Trying To Conceive

Hi everyone!

I am so excited to start Harmony’s weekly Friday post “We Love Friday”!  Every Friday, I will post some of my favorite things from the previous week.  It may be products, articles, pictures, funnies, ideas or anything else amazing from that week.  Let me know in the comments if you have any Friday love to share!

Happy Friday!

This post on the blog Momastery – “Share this with all the schools, please”.  I LOVE what this teacher is doing every week to help kids feel included!  Great blog, great food for thought.

This Noosa yogurt.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  I’m actually not a huge yogurt fan (I like plain organic occasionally), so me saying I love it means I must extra love it.  I saw this on sale at Whole Foods and loved the fact it is made locally in a small town in Colorado (where I’m from!) and honestly I just liked the packaging.  It was seriously the best yogurt I’ve ever had in my life.  Be careful of the serving size (half a small container).  You could easily down the whole thing and end up with way too many calories and fat.  But seriously, it’s amazing.  Their story is pretty cool, too.   The honey and mango are my favorites, my hubby likes the blueberry.

This blog post on how to do laundry by my friend Anne at MommyGloss.  Seriously, I never knew…

Planning our Harmony booth at the Great Aloha Run February 14-16!  The largest run in the state of Hawaii and we are so excited to be there!  Ordered our fliers yesterday.

This email from my mom: “Sure, send the pants.  Just make sure you’ve marked exactly where you want them hemmed.  Love ya.”  Yes, I’m 36 years old and I still send pants to my mom in Oregon to hem for me.

Finally, this picture.  Perfect mommy, daughter and bunny beach date.

Pilates Happy Hour Trying To ConceiveHave a great weekend!  Go Broncos!


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