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“We Love” Friday!

So many things to love this week!

We have our first ever booth at Hawaii’s Great Aloha Run Expo and we are so excited! The GAR was actually the first race I ever ran, so it has special meaning to me. If you are in Honolulu this weekend come say hi!


It was also the second week of the Move Nourish Believe challenge in cooperation with Lorna Jane and Fit Approach. This week focused on nourishing our bodies. The day experimenting with raw cooking was my favorite. I personally eat vegan half the time so it wasn’t a huge jump, but it gave me an excuse to make these bad boys:


I knew I wanted to find a quick and easy raw dessert that I could make in bite size portions. Enter the peanut butter ball. Delicious and it only took me 20 minutes – and half of that was chilling time in he freezer!

I found this particular recipe from Angela Liddon at Oh She Glows. She makes amazing food with beautiful pictures that make me salivate. It’s all vegan but you can easily make the sides and add chicken if you feel you need the meat.

My wrap up to this week of nourishing is to go outside the box a little! You would probably never think you were up for a vegan raw dessert, but when you realize it’s peanut butter, maple syrup and chocolate, you might reconsider! Don’t let labels mislead you. The internet, and food blogs especially, are a treasure trove of fun and easy recipes! Search a little until you find some that talk to you. This chocolate peanut butter ball had been talking to me for weeks, and I’m glad I finally had an excuse to make it!

Have a fabulous weekend and we hope you get some chocolate!


Jessica Valant Pilates

Foam Rolling – Why and How to Do it


Pilates and Social Media – Finding our Humanity Again


Goal Setting Series – My 3 Tips For Achieving Any Goal

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