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What Surgery Taught Me

Jessica Valant

Hey there!jessica valant

If you are in our private FB group or on our VIP email list, you know that I had surgery two weeks ago.

I had a laparoscopy to diagnose my endometriosis in 2005, and, while I’ve been able to manage it pretty well since then, I’ve felt it come back on in the past year. With my doctors, acupuncturist and husband, we decided it was best that I have another one. It could help with pain and possibly with trying to get pregnant again.

After three abdominal incisions, an intubation tube, a catheter, bronchitis and pink eye (thank you toddler germs), I’m finally physically healing. However small or seemingly insignificant, surgery is no joke!

Mentally, I’m just starting the healing process I think.

I saw my doctor this week for all of the results, and this was what he told me “I truly can’t believe you look as healthy as you do on the outside considering what I found in your abdomen and pelvis”.

As I wrap my head around everything I learned, I’m focusing on two amazing things…

One, thank goodness I found Pilates and exercise and yoga and nutrition and a positive attitude 11 years ago! Who knows where I would be if I hadn’t. Small steps each day really do make a difference, I promise. Even when you don’t seem to see results on the outside, things are happening on the inside to make you healthy and strong.

Two, while I already knew this, I’m reminded again that our daughter is a miracle. I “shouldn’t have” been able to have her. But I did and she’s here and I’m forever, deeply, profoundly grateful ❤️❤️❤️.

YOU decide how you live your life. No diagnosis or label can do that. You have the power and you always will.

Thank you for being here and supporting me and each other on this journey! Things don’t always happen the way we invision them, but they always happen for a reason, and they always teach us things. I’m in the learning phase, and I’ll try to stay open to every lesson the Universe gives me.

In the meantime, I’m doing a lot of walking and Pilates as I slowly get back into exercise. I’m planning on being even more diligent than ever with fitness and eating, as I now know how much they’ve helped me stay healthy over the years!

As a part of that, I’ll be hosting a 10 Day Clean Eating Challenge starting next week. If you are interested in joining, just shoot me an email here and let me know.

Have a great weekend!

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