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Workout – Pilates Toning Routine with Weights

As an instructor and a student, I love learning new tricks to add to workouts I already enjoy doing.  It challenges my muscles (and my brain!) without having to learn an entirely new workout or completely switch up a routine that works for me.  It just adds a little “somethin’ somethin'”. I recently took a Pilates reformer class that incorporated small hand weights throughout the hour-long workout, and it was awesome!  I performed exercises I was already familiar with, but with an added toning and strengthening challenge.  It was so fun and challenging, I decided to transfer the concept to the mat so I could share it with you all at home!

This is a 14 minute routine that will strengthen and tone your arms, abdominals, core and glutes.  Pilates is known for using muscles’  full ranges of motion in exercises, which allows us to lengthen the muscles while we work them.  The added hand weights will give you a little more strength challenge, while maintaining the idea of long and lean muscles.  I use 5lb weights in the video, but any weights 1-5lbs would be effective.  If the weights are just too much, do the workout without them!  You can always add them later on.  This is a great routine to be done alone for a quick muscle toning workout, or in combo with a 30 minute cardio or Pilates Happy Hour barre workout.

Let me know how you like it, and if you have any tricks for switching up your workout routine!

Remember, consult with your doctor if you are beginning a new exercise routine, and always stop if you are feeling pain. 

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