We have all been forced to find some kind of new routine in the past eight weeks, including for our home workout schedule.
This includes our jobs, our kids, parents, family, friends, commute, sleep, self care and our exercise.
While the majority of my workouts were done at home prior to this global crisis, I still enjoyed occasional Pilates and yoga classes at studios and relied on my twice weekly gym sessions for a good cardio sweat session. My workout schedule included a great mix of being outside, being at home and being in a gym or studio.
With studios and gyms closed for the foreseeable future, we have all been forced to learn new habits and ways to move our bodies at home!
In this new reality, I have gotten flooded with the same question over and over again:
“What is the best workout schedule to follow?”
Between cardio, HIIT, strength training, Pilates, yoga, stretching, core and weights, it can be confusing to know WHEN and HOW MUCH to do of each!
In my newest tutorial I explain My Weekly Home Workout Schedule and how to balance cardio, strength training and flexibility with your home workouts.
To experience a full monthly workout calendar utilizing this schedule make sure you check out UNLIMITED. I give a new workout calendar every month that combines the moves I believe we all need for a balanced exercise routine! You can get access here.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Drink your water. Nourish your body. Take a break. Reach out to a friend. Hug the people in your house. Move every day.
You can do it!