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Cyber Monday Discount for my 30 Day Bootcamp!



I’m going to take a wild guess that you are doing at least two other things while reading this blog post.

Maybe it’s eating breakfast and checking voicemail. Maybe it’s making lunch for your littles while instructing your toddler not to dump her water on the floor. Maybe it’s organizing your notes for the afternoon meeting while secretly checking Cyber Monday sales (I won’t tell anyone).

The point is that all of us are busy and none of us have enough time in our day. We all wish we could spend more time doing the things we love and being with the people we love, instead of stuck on the phone, stuck in traffic, or…

Stuck doing bad workouts.

That’s right – BAD workouts.

Those workouts that take an hour but don’t make you sweat? Or the ones that hurt and make you sore for five days? Or the ones that make you feel bad about yourself, or make you feel uncoordinated or silly, or make your knee injury worse?

Or the ones you’ve been doing for two years but just aren’t giving you results?

I want you to stop them.

Yes, STOP.

Why waste precious time doing workouts that just don’t work?

Your time is too valuable.

I have 30 minutes most days to workout – 45 minutes on the really good days.

I just make those minutes COUNT.

I have actually seen BETTER results since DECREASING my workout time and stopping the hour long elliptical sessions.

Let me show you how!


The workouts in my new 30 Day “Pilates Plus” Bootcamp are the exact workouts I do every week to feel my best, stay healthy, build muscle and maintain my weight.

And each one is less than 30 minutes!


Starting in 2017, I’ll be offering my Jessica Valant Pilates 30 Day “Pilates Plus” Bootcamp three times a year. January will be the first chance you have to claim your spot!

When you purchase the bootcamp you’ll get:
– 30 days of workouts, telling you exactly what to do every day for the perfect combination of cardio, strengthening, toning and stretching. Many of these workouts are available ONLY to folks who join the Bootcamp, and each is less than 30 minutes long.

  • My 10 Day Clean Eating Guide, giving you recipes and tips for 10 days of clean and healthy meals.

  • Access to our 30 day accountability group. This is an invite only area where we can talk about how we are progressing during the 30 days, get modifications for exercises and ask any burning question you’ve wanted to ask me :). I’ll be at your disposal to help you reach your goals!

So if your workouts aren’t working for you?

Fire them.

Start something new.

Don’t waste your time anymore.

Click here and use code BLACKFRIDAY to pre-order my 30 Day Bootcamp for $10 off the regular price.

That’s only $25 for 30 days of workouts, my 10 Day Healthy Eating Guide and an accountability group with me and other motivated and encouraging folks.

I’ll tell you every day what to do, what not to do and how to be successful. I’ll be there in real time, answering your questions and cheering you on.

It’s kind of my jam.

Love ya,

ps – Remember the sale ends Monday evening, November 28, at 10:00 PST! More importantly, the 30 Day “Pilates Plus” Bootcamp will only be offered a few times every year. I don’t know when the next time will be, so claim your spot for January now! Use code BLACKFRIDAY for your special offer.

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