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Meet Jessica Valant – Pilates and Physical Therapy Professional

Jessica Valant

Jessica Valant

I’m Jessica. I’m a physical therapist and a Pilates teacher. I am a wife, a business owner and a mom. I am an endometriosis and infertility navigator. I am a business coach, movement educator and teacher trainer. I love people I love hugging and I love love.

I believe there is power in movement and that movement is power. This includes actual physical movement as well as movement of the mind and changing of our beliefs about ourselves.

I believe that movement SHOULD NOT be painful, frustrating or embarassing.

I believe movement SHOULD BE freeing. I believe it should be fun. I believe it should be empowering, encouraging and inspiring.

I believe when we feel strong and free in our own bodies we can start to be more kind to ourselves. When we are more kind to ourselves, we can then be more kind to others. There is a ripple of love that is born in the world when we can finally show ourselves a little grace, patience and freedom to be ourselves.

My “office” happens to be an exercise mat and my tools are Pilates equipment and props, but the work we are doing here is real and important.

I don’t dare to assume that my workout videos will change the world, but I truly hope they help to inspire at least one person to believe in themselves and their ability to move in the world around them while having at least a little bit of fun in the process.

I believe in movement with heart and I believe in you.


What You Should Know About Me

I’ve been a physical therapist and Pilates teacher for almost 20 years and I love it more every day. When they say chose something you would do even if you never got paid, this is it for me. I’m a lucky girl to do what I am passionate about.

I have a five year old daughter and one year old old son with my amazing husband. This little family of mine is my biggest love and pride in the entire universe. I can’t quite separate my roll as a mom from everything else I do because it has become a filter through which I see everything else. I want to help make the world a better place because of them. (I also want more sleep because of them, but that’s what coffee is for).

I have stage 4 endometriosis with a frozen pelvis. I was first diagnosed in 2005 and have had two abdominal surgeries since then (you can read more here and here). We had our daughter naturally and then went through two rounds of IVF before getting pregnant with our son. I also have a bladder prolapse after a crazy labor with our daughter and lots of inaccurate post baby exercise advice. Because of all of these issues, I’m extremely passionate about women’s health and helping women feel empowered in their own bodies. I also am indescribably grateful for the chance to have children after going through infertility battles for years. If you are there now, I see you, I feel you and I am holding so much space for you in my heart.

My husband and I lived in Hawaii for eight years and it’s my happiest of happy places. We now are back in our hometown of Denver, which I’m lucky to also love, but Hawaii has my heart. The snow does not.

We are the founders of Momentum Fest, a three day Pilates and movement festival. It’s all of my dreams come true and you should come.

I love coffee. And champagne. But coffee wins.


jessica valant pilates


Where To Start

MOVEMENT – Jessica Valant Pilates offers movement to serve you wherever you are in your journey. There are free short workouts and tutorials offered on this website and on my Youtube channel. When you are ready for a more in depth movement practice and commitment to yourself, join my flagship program UNLIMITED.

WOMENS HEALTH – I offer special workouts and resources for pregnancy, postpartum, endometriosis, IVF and more.

TEACHERS – PostPartum Fitness is an online workshop available here for PMA CEC’s. I also provide business coaching, specifically in the area of selling your studio, and teach CEC workshops across the country. Contact me if you are interested in hosting a workshop or course.

Thank you for being here and sharing this space with me. It’s time we all believe in ourselves a little more. It’s time we move with more love, more patience, more laughter, more joy and more heart.


Professional Bio

Jessica graduated from Regis University in Denver with her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy in 2000. She received her Pilates training inJessica Valant Pilates 2001 through Polestar Pilates and is a Certified Pilates Teacher under the Pilates Method Alliance. She is also a Board Member of the PMA and founder of Momentum Fest, a three day Pilates and movement festival.

She has worked with thousands of clients of different backgrounds, ages, injuries and abilities, to help them reach their ultimate health goals.

She opened Harmony Pilates and Physical Therapy in Kailua, HI, in 2006. It quickly grew into the biggest dual physical therapy clinic and Pilates studio in Hawaii and was named the Best Pilates Studio in Hawaii by Honolulu Magazine in 2010. She sold the studios in 2016 in order to focus on individuals and online content while also staying home with her babies.

Jessica is recognized as a leader in the Pilates industry. She has a successful fitness DVD series, YouTube channel, membership site and blog. She has been named a top 10 finalist in the 2015 Pilates Anytime Next Instructor Contest and a Creator on the Rise by YouTube. She teaches popular workshops and courses to other health care professionals and Pilates instructors.

She is married to her best friend and their days are spent wrangling two young kids, spending time outdoors, living their passion through work and drinking coffee. She lives in Denver with her family.

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