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online workouts


Black Friday Sale on Select Workout Programs!

  It’s a week of firsts! On Monday I released my first ever gift guide and now I’m offering my very first Black Friday sale! If you …


My Advice to Moms of 3 Year Olds

  My amazing daughter turned four years old earlier this year. She is smart and funny and patient and kind. She is resilient and always willing …

workouts aren't working


The 5 Reasons Your Workouts Aren’t Working

Is there anything more frustrating than spending time and money on your exercise routine and still feeling like your workouts aren’t working? You buy class packages, …



The One Thing You Have to Do Before Setting Goals For the New Year

I am that person who loves to get a new planner for the beginning of the year. I can spend hours looking at every kind of day timer, trying …



Cyber Monday Discount for my 30 Day Bootcamp!

I’m going to take a wild guess that you are doing at least two other things while reading this blog post. Maybe it’s eating breakfast and …

Freebies for you!

A week of home workouts and my top resources for being strong and empowered in your body.

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