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What I Ate Wednesday…Really!

what i ate wednesday

I have no idea why I love hearing about what other people eat during the day.

But I do.

There is something both comforting and inspiring about seeing what other health professionals, writers and dietitians eat on a regular Wednesday during the week.

I get inspired from their creative and easy at home lunches.

I’m comforted by the fact that they, too, eat chocolate and take out sometimes!

I have been reading What I Ate Wednesday posts from other bloggers and writers for a while now. (If you aren’t familiar with WIAW, Check it out here!) I finally decided I’d jump in and add some Wednesday meals of my own.

I regularly talk about how I eat and give you all recipes indicative of my typical daily diet, but I figured it might inspire and comfort you to see what I eat on a normal day!

These meals represent exactly what I ate on a busy Tuesday this week. It was a combination of mostly mommy/daughter time, a 40 minute spin/lift combo workout at the gym, administrative work, teaching one Pilates client and then being called out to a last minute work meeting before dinner. That, in combination with the fact my daughter decided not to nap yesterday, contributed to a busy day and meant a need for quick take out on my way home!


BREAKFAST – 8:15am


I usually make a big batch of superfood oatmeal one morning a week for our family. While I try to eat mostly gluten free, my husband and daughter aren’t sensitive to it like I am. That being said, I want to expose all of us to a variety of grains and foods and try to give us nutritionally dense breakfasts that will keep us full and satisfied. I use a combination of steel cut oats and quinoa for a protein boost. Then I top it with fruit, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, almonds and a little maple syrup.

I also had a mug of black tea with stevia, which is my typical morning beverage. (For you coffee lovers, I’m right there with you! I LOVE coffee but have made the switch to tea in the mornings over the past year. You can learn more here, or just keep enjoying your coffee every morning and know I live vicariously through you.)

LUNCH – 12:30pm


I have some sort of salad almost every day for lunch. By that I mean I take some greens and put a bunch of other things from the refrigerator on top of it.

This was one kale that I had massaged with a dressing of dijon mustard, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I put leftover roasted sweet potatoes on top, as well as avocado, sunflower seeds and sundried tomatoes.

Note: If you don’t keep sundried tomatoes on hand, buy them next time you go to the store! They change the flavor profile of anything and a little goes a long way. They make my typical boring salad taste suddenly fancy.


My normal day consists of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. I always need an energy and nutritional boost around 4:00pm. I also usually am sharing this with my girl, so I try to find snacks that we can share!

flourless zucchini muffins

Today I had made a batch of my favorite Flourless Zucchini Muffins with chocolate chips. I had to photograph them for the website anyway, so I had a big one and my little had two mini muffins. I enjoyed mine with 6oz of dark roast coffee (it was a long day so I gave in!).

bulletproof coffee

This is my current FAVORITE way to have coffee! I put 6 ounces of organic brewed coffee in my Vitamix with 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of ghee and 1 teaspoon of maple syrup. I blend the heck out of it until it’s frothy. It’s AMAZING and the healthy fats from the coconut oil and ghee help your body process the caffeine and acidity from the coffee.

This is coming from a girl who is addicted to her creamer. I do not drink coffee without creamer, and I love this as is. It’s a miracle I’m telling you.

Right before running out the door for my unscheduled meeting, I had a handful of these babies. I LOVE. I keep them hidden in my desk drawer and on long afternoons I treat myself to a few. Today it was necessary.



I knew in the morning it would most likely be a take out night. Then as the day progressed, I knew it was inevitable.


Chipotle is one of our go-to places when we need something quick and somewhat healthy. I get the salad bowl with brown rice (I skip the beans and get extra rice), barbacoa and guacamole. I then add sliced tomatoes and my own salsa at home.

If you look up the nutritional info on Chipotle’s website, you’ll be surprised to see the barbacoa is one of the healthier meat options! My acupuncturist recently told me to try having red meat during the week, so it’s a good option for me when I don’t cook a lot of red meat at home. I think the combo of rice and beans is GREAT for fiber and protein, but my body doesn’t do well with beans so I tend to eat them sparingly. I skip the cheese and it’s a meal I usually feel pretty good about! (Not pictured: the handful of tortilla chips I had on the side and the glass of wine.)

So there you have it! A typical day of eats in my life. I feel pretty good about the amount of veggies and produce today, but I could have added more protein at lunch and probably skipped the extra caffeine in the afternoon (a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do sometimes).

I would love to hear what you ate today in the comments below! If you like this kind of post, let me know that as well and I can do more in the future.

I’m linking up with Sprint 2 the Table today for a WIAW get together!



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6 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday…Really!”

  1. I do like these posts! And a day in the life post would be interesting as well! I like chipotle for a pretty quick healthy meal out. I usually eat oatmeal with almond milk, chia/flax seeds, a little almond butter or peanut butter and some maple syrup. For lunch I usually have dinner leftovers or 2 whole eggs with a piece of toast and half an avocado and a veg. Dinner usually varies:)

    • That lunch sounds delicious! I love eggs with avocado :). Sometimes I think my life is too boring for a day in the life post, but I’d be happy to do one :)!


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