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How To Sweat Proof Your Makeup

Hi everyone!  I’m so excited to introduce you to our guest blogger today!  Jen Rawson blogs over at Pretty Little Grub and is a Registered Dietician and Professional Makeup Artist (pretty much the coolest combo ever :).  We get a lot of women in our Pilates classes and physical therapy who need to go straight to work or out to dinner after their workout with us.  I thought this would be a perfect topic to address this issue!  Enjoy!

5 tips to sweat-proofing your makeup

While makeup and exercise can be a highly debated topic sometimes it’s unavoidable – lunch break workout, after work workout, etc. It can be challenging to get a good workout in without looking like a hot mess of makeup afterwards. Here are 5 tips to having your makeup stay put so you can return to work or go out for an evening out after your sweat session.

  1. Use a foundation primer to make your foundation last longer. Using a waterproof primer can really help sweat proof your makeup.

Suggested Product: Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer


  1. Choose a longwearing foundation – look for claims of 12-24 hours on the bottle. These will hold up better after sweating than a typical foundation.

Suggested Product: Revlon Colorstay Foundation


  1. Use oil blotting papers to blot away excess oil and shine.

Suggested Product: Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets


  1. Reset face with a mattifying setting powder.

Suggested Product: Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder


  1. User waterproof eyeliner and mascara to prevent smudging and racoon eyes post workout.

Suggested Products: Covergirl Lash Blast Volume Waterproof & Makeup Forever Aqua Eyes


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